How can I estimate the sales of a product?

Sales Estimator

Our Amazon Sales Estimator allows you to check average monthly sales for specific categories. This straightforward and simple-to-use tool can help you gain insights to help you launch your product and assess your competition.

To access this feature, click on AI ToolsSales Estimator within the left-hand navigation panel

  • Select the Amazon Marketplace
  • Pick the Product Category 
  • Enter the BSR (best seller's rank) of the product you want to review
  • Click the Calculate Sales button


  • Customers on a Free plan can generate up to 50 times a month.
  • Starter plan subscribers have a limit of 500 clicks per month.
  • Plus plan subscribers have a limit of 2000 clicks per month.
  • Pro plan subscribers have a limit of 6000 clicks per month.